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Welcome to Yarmouth First Baptist Church

Come visit us anytime. If you are looking for a place where you can grow in your relationship with God, His Word and others then Yarmouth Baptist Church is the place for you! Our church is located at 20446 Walnut Street, Yarmouth IA. If you can find Yarmouth, you can find our church.

We look forward to meeting you and helping you grow in your walk with God. Your eternal destiny depends on what you do with Jesus Christ. If you are not quite sure where you stand with Him, we would love to show you from God’s Word how you can discover and know His perfect plan for you. Contact us today! There is nothing we would love more than the chance to share Christ with you. We hope to see you soon!

How long are the services?

Our 10:00 AM Sunday school class runs about forty-five minutes. Our 11:00 AM service runs about an hour to and hour and fifteen minutes.

How should I dress?

Come as you are! We have no specific dress code.

Is there a children's program or nursery available during services?

We have a children's Sunday School program and nursery service during both the 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM service. Please bring your child(ren) downstairs to find their classrooms.

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